
KFC has introduced a cheeseburger and look out McDonalds

Words by Tara Smith

You can’t brie serious.

KFC has today announced the arrival of a new burger, redefining the word ‘cheeseburger’ as we know it.

The Big Cheese is an Australian-first and has been dubbed KFC’s cheesiest creation ever.

Let me talk you through it.

The burger arrives with an Original Recipe-seasoned cheese patty, which is a blend of tasty cheese and mozzarella. It is then topped off with a cheddar cheese sauce and a classic slice.

Of course, it wouldn’t be KFC without the delicious Original Recipe chicken fillet, which is accompanied by your usual burger suspects – tomato, lettuce and bun.

The triple cheese concoction is available from tomorrow for a heart-clogging, limited-time only.


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